How a Bankrupt Intelligentsia Is Enabling the Rise of Fascism

OSHO International
15 min readJun 28, 2024
How a Bankrupt Intelligentsia Is Enabling the Rise of Fascism

How come you speak about political leaders and religious leaders in the same tone — is there no difference between them?

“Fundamentally there is no difference at all. Superficially of course there are differences.

“The basic desire to be a leader arises in people who are suffering from an inferiority complex. It does not matter whether they move into the political world or into the religious world; the will-to-power is an absolute indication that the man feels himself inferior to others and he wants to prove to the world that it is not so.

“It is not only a question of proving to the world; through the world he wants to prove it to himself too, that he is not inferior to anybody.

“The only way mind can manage it is to make everybody inferior to you.

“Mind is not your intelligence.

“It may sound strange but this is a truth, that mind is not your intelligence. Mind can be intellectual, which is a very poor substitute for intelligence. Intellectuality is mechanical. You can become a great scholar, a great professor, a great philosopher — just playing with words which are all borrowed, arranging and rearranging thoughts, none of which are your own.

